Friday, May 22, 2009

Photoessay #699 - Outgoing senior captain

One of my favorite pictures from the weekend of Naomi as a Lassie. AJ, lead piper, on the left just starting to play as the Highland Dancers prepare to dance. Hair ribbons on place (probably made on my kitchen table). Parts of the band standing on Parliament Steps behind her.

You can see that there's quite a bit of diversity in the band as well as Shorecrest in general. High school population about 1/3 minority. Rather shocking for Susanna to go off to U Oregon which has a much lower minority population.

Reminds me of one of the hugest gaffes said to me personally. Talking to a parent on Susanna's softball travel team. Asking her about her trip to a campus in the midwest. "One thing good about it, they didn't have much of that, you know, diversity thing"

In other words, none of those non-white kids who are, you know, bad.

I couldn't believe that she would say that to *me* Some people...

But the Highland Dancers, the Lassies (and Laddie), have been a great thing for Naomi. An affiliation, a skill she could learn, leadership challenges, performance opportunities. Some travel, to Victoria and Dublin. Part of that great Highlander band. And, even dare I say it, a cultural experience.

Though I'm used to hanging out with the Jews and Koreans, a little anglo for me. But get over it.

When she started out, I was a bit surprised, three kids through Shorecrest and I had never paid a bit of attention to the Lassies.

Just good all the way around.

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