Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Photoessay #696 - Parliament Steps

Most years, the Shorecrest Highlander Band goes to Victoria BC as part of the Victoria Day Parade. Likely there are many year's worth of similar pictures of the greater band standing on the steps of the Parliament building.

This year we went as Naomi is graduating and we've never gone. This shot was taken after the Victoria Day parade and was followed by an impromptu concert for the family members and whoever was in the park in front of the Parliament building at the moment.

Everybody in full kilt. The kids and EVERYBODY just love the uniform, so authentic and unique. The regular band in the upper and middle. The flaggers at the sides. The red jacketed drumline in front of the band. The pipers flanking the drum line. You can see pipe major AJ with the red sash. The banner carriers in the front center with the Highland Dancers on either side, The Band major at the right.

Naomi, outgoing senior Highland Dancer captain, is third from the left. Probably her closest friend is Curtis, the lone male dancer (and a darn good dancer at that).

Kind of teary realizing that Naomi was dancing with the Lassies (and Laddy) for the last time. She 'made' the Lassies as a freshman. This has been a wonderful affiliation and opportunity for her at high school.

This whole group looks pretty impressive marching down the road. I asked why they did not stop and perform. I finally learned last night that this was a point of pride. They were a traditional band which means they perform as they march.

To cap it off, at the end, one dad with a loud voice called out in a loud voice

"Hey Shorecrest, how do you feel?"

And the kids responded back in unison, as is the ritual at football games and rallies

"We feel awesome, oh we feel so awesome!" Followed by an emphatic "Huh!!"
Perfect end to the session.

PS gone Sunday and Monday to Victoria with no internet whatsoever

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