Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rockford and neighbor Sam

So here I am in Rockford in internet hell. I’m staying across the street. I did take a later flight and my sister picked me up from the bus. I know the desk closes at 9pm so we came here first to check in. Went over to my mom’s for awhile. Now I’m back. I did bring our laptop. Plus they have computers in the library. Usually occupied by elderly ladies playing solitaire. My father had an id, which I knew. Not there any more. Just because he passed away two years ago, does that mean they have to disable his id?. Jeesh, what’s the deal? And the desk is closed. I can see from the laptop that there’s now a wireless network. But I don’t know the key. So I’m up that creek for this evening anyway. I’ll try to find their computer guy Jeremy in the morning. If he’s still here.

I arranged for my sister to pick me up because my mom’s not as capable. Then we proceed to get way lost practically to Wisconsin. Who’re the capable ones here?

But I would like to write about my neighbor Sam. A cab driver. From Cambodia. He must have the cleanest cab around. I see him every day vacuuming and washing it. He took me to the airport this morning. It used to be that he would take you and then refuse to take the money. Sam, I begged him, this is your business, if you won’t take the money, then I can’t ask you! Finally now he lets you pay.

Though years ago, my friend JJ was visiting and she needed a ride to the train station. I told her about Sam. I said ‘watch out that he doesn’t turn off the meter’. So she goes with him and they get into this great conversation about the many aspects and manifestations of God. With aplomb, he turns off the meter and says he is honored to give her the ride. But JJ is prepared. She says “Sam, I am giving this cab fare as a gift to your baby daughter and, in this country, (making this up), it is considered bad manners to not accept a gift made to a child.” Sam was stuck, he had to take the cab fare.

So I asked Sam to take me to the airport and he let me pay. He likes to chat though his accent is very strong and I cannot always understand him. His life revolves around N his daughter now about 11 years old. But his wife is now doing day care for a baby. I can tell that Sam adores this baby and loves caring for her (8 month old girl). What can be better than caring for a baby, he asks. It is the best thing you can do. This baby is so smart, she understands when I speak to her in English and Cambodian he proudly tells me. If I needed day care, I would love to leave my child with Sam and his wife. Because they love this baby so much and feel it is a tremendous privilege to care for her.

I have some wonderful neighbors…..

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