Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photoessay #646 - Spring! and Rockford

It could be right around the corner, you never know. Nice shot of one of my daffodils in my front yard. It's hard for me to personally plant them and it seems like such a bother in the fall. I often can get Ilana to do it.

But evey year, every year(!) I'm so happy when they come up and bloom. They often don't last more than a year but this could be my lucky year.

Tomorrow, I go off to Rockford for my sister's bat mitzvah. I haven't been there for nine months, crazy. Last time I was there I convinced my sister to have her own separate bat mitzvah from her daughter and now we're here. Have your OWN day, I urged. She's nervous but she'll do fine. We'll have a small event on Friday night. My mother decrees a cake, fancy napkins and mints and nuts along with the challah and grape juice (and wine). Another family is hosting us for a traditional dinner beforehand. My 15 year old niece will be there and I think it will be a great experience seeing her mom as center of attention. Should set a good tone for her own bat mitzvah in July.

Nobody in our family has had a bar or bat mitzvah for quite a few generations. My sister chose to do it in Rockford so my mom could attend. We must keep mom out of the hospital so she can be there.

We'll see how much of it will actually occur as planned.

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