Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Photoessay #650 - More family art

My sister decided that she wanted to celebrate my and my brother's birthdays during this trip. She gave Charlie a framed picture of some of Teresa's artwork which won some awards. She worried that maybe Charlie might not like it. But he did...a lot!

It's a piece that started out as a photograph and then she colored it very intricately. Nice!

I've posted my brother's artwork before. Beautiful stained art pieces. He started doing stain glass in 30s then abandoned it. Now he's starting back in a big way. Yet he's not somebody who did artistic activities his entire life. He comes at it as something new and exciting in his 50s. More power to him

UPDATE: We are having a seder tomorrow. The problem, as always, too many people! Of course, I just figure that somehow, we will fit that many people. The headcount has fluctuated between 14 and 19 all day. Currently we are at 18. For this one, everybody HAS to be around the same table or at least at adjoining tables in the same room. Dennis is intoning "We are so screwed" "We will never fit this many people". But then Naomi invites her friend Curtis (one of the guests) over for muscle power and we, get this, move the couch out of the living room. That frees up tons of space, put the 4x8 sheet of plywood on the table moved from the dining room, put up the six foot table. Piece of cake!

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