Monday, April 6, 2009

Photoessay #649 - What passes for fun in Rockford

I think this may be as close as you can get to fun in Rockford. We (my brother, sister and niece) had just found the Peace Plaza letterbox and were off to Sportscore to check on my existing letterbox. Charlie saw a sign going north on Perryville which said 'Sportscore ->' Whoa, pretty radical instead of going to Sprortscore from the south, we went the long way around and came from the east. We followed the signs and soon came to.....

OMG! A toll bridge? A toll bridge in the middle of nowhere north of Rockford? What? Sure enough, a little toll plaza appeared and it was going to cost us .50 to cross the Rock River.

So somehow that meant that my brother had to open his sunroof and everybody had to put their hand up through the sunroof and squeal and shriek (Wheeeeeee!) as we drove across the Rock River.

There you have it...

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