Saturday, April 25, 2009

Photoessauy #676 - Nascent blooms

I have quite a collection of flower pots on my upper deck, my lower deck and by my front yard. I like to have flowers planted in them. Annuals of course.

Humor interlude...
Q: What's a perennial
A: A plant, had it lived, would bloom year after year

The last few years, I've given some thought to the color scheme. But, mostly, like today, I see what they have at Costco, and it looks pretty good to me. Salmon geraniums, deep fuchsia lobelia, yellow petunias. Look pretty good?

It's a lot of work to plant the pots, a lot of moving things and carrying things around which is not compatible with my upper back condition. So, I tell Dennis, that, for my birthday, I want him to plant the pots. He doesn't particularly like doing it but, it's a marital thing, so he does it. It's quicker if a kid will help with it.

However, I have learned with young adults that there are sure-fire things that will ensure that they will NOT be around.

Hey, how about cleaning out all that stuff you left in your room?
You want to help plant the pots for my birthday?

Both work equally well in making sure your young adult children are NOWHERE to be found.

I'm supposedly listening/watching Pac 10 softball on the computer. But the Oregon/Cal game has gone zombie. Levine-Fricke field is notorious for not being compatible with any kind of communication based technology. Except maybe cell phones.

Last night the Oregon team played their best game in a LONG time. Got to watch the video compliments of Stanford. The Ducks lost in the 9th with a walk-off home run. But they played an excellent game, especially freshman pitcher Samantha Skillingstad. She held the #4 ranked Stanford team to 3 hits until that 9th inning. No tiebreaker in the Pac 10. In fact, in the 8th, Stanford loaded the bases with no outs and Sam came back and struck out three hitters in a row. NO ERRORS! Excellent game.

Now, I know that the game is being played but the online trackers stopped working at least 45 minutes ago. Aaack, the Ducks return to their old ways making 3 errors in the second inning resulting in 3 Cal runs. You just cannot DO THAT in a Pac 10 game. I guess we will hear eventually. Maybe it's merciful.

Naomi went off to a boy scout camp with her friend Curtis and his dad. Probably overnight. I'm not sure why but off she went.

So anybody want to come help plant those flower pots tomorrow?

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