Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photoessay #643 - Marie's coming home! Part 1

Pictured are Marie and Ilana taken several years ago when they participated in a hike reenactment marking some anniversary (100 years?) of the Mountaineers, an active outdoors Seattle organization. Several college students dressed up in period costume and they did a ceremonial hike in Magnuson Park. Ilana had a great time putting the outfit together (with assistance, of course, we are terrible costume people). Marie and Ilana have been close friends for many years. A more characteristic picture of Marie would be, her red curly hair flying in her traditional kilt playing her beloved bagpipes. Ilana always said that, in planning girl scout events that you always had to plan in Marie playing the bagpipes because she was going to do it anyway.

However, this post concerns a tragic fatal auto accident in New Zealand.

Marie has been a very successful oceanography student, participating in a year long exchange program (with her friend Celia) with the Univ of Southampton which also has a strong oceanography program. A great time to be involved in oceanography, by the way, there's a LOT of monetary support in these climate change days.

During their senior year, the oceanography students go on a capstone cruise. I'm not too sure of the details but the senior students pick a research topic, they go out on the boat to do the research and spend the next quarter writing up their results. A big deal. This year the ship went to New Zealand. Some of the Southampton students were also involved. By all accounts, a successful trip. A number of the students stayed behind to do some site seeing in New Zealand after their trip; it's spring break.

Then a tragic senseless auto accident. Almost two weeks ago. Sunday afternoon. 5 students in the car. No alcohol or anything like that. Not sure what happened but it was a headon collission. Celia was killed instantly, Marie has sustained pretty serious injuries. Other injuries in the car.

The information dribbled back here sparingly. First a facebook entry "Maries been in an accident but she's ok". Then, a few days later Ilana called me "This car accident was more serious the we thought. Somebody was killed, it wasn't Marie but she's in the hospital" Bit by bit, the community here learned what had happened.

Talked to M, Marie's mom, a skilled nurse and a veteran traveler. She reported that Marie had been very well supported, the medical care was good. The community was involved in helping these students as was the Universities of Washington and Auckland. Host families offered to house the students not hospitalized. Marie's injuries are serious but she will recover.

A few days later I heard that M had gone to New Zealand to help and support Marie. They're flying home tomorrow to Vancouver. Ilana and some friends will be there to greet the tired travelers.

Ilana's planning a 'welcome home Marie' party next Saturday. She announced it on Facebook. Unfortunately she got the month and year wrong but, other than that, I'm sure it will work out!

Many serious conversations here and throughout their friends and the oceanography community. So senseless and so tragic.

Update: I found a better picture of Marie, she was here for Ilana's New Year's Eve Party

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