Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Photoessay #633 - Puppy monster

Those that don't want cute puppy pictures, take note. Not sure whether you should skip this entry. It's not a cute puppy picture, it's a weird puppy picture.

Rather Tyranasaurus Rex, isn't he? He was jumping up. We'll work on this behavior in puppy class.

Check out the paw size. Now the rest of him foreshortened. But the paw size would hint that we are in trouble, he's going to be a Big Dog.

The spray bottle has almost completely elminated the biting. He always has this baffled look. Why, WHY do they spray water in my face all the time.

I also have quite a few broken baby gates that don't even belong to me. I can tell I need a steady supply. Luckily Teddy is afraid of them as they crash down and splinter.

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