Monday, January 26, 2009

Photoessay #530 - puppy puppy puppy

The picture does not reflect reality, that was when we had two puppies. Susanna and her friends came over both days with friends to play and play with the puppies. Here she is with *2* puppies. Life for Teddy could best be described as "BROTHER!!" as Roy was constantly jumping on him and life was one big wrestling extravaganza. Teddy held his own, he's bigger but usually was not the instigator.

Now that Brother is not here any more, Teddy acts completely differently. He's very keyed into people now. He does not want to be left alone, he wants to Be With People. He especially likes Dennis which is a big plus. He obediently goes into the back yard and piddles. Unfortunately he wailed for two hours last night when he had to sleep in his crate. Alone. This is a guy who has never been alone in his entire 7 week life. But that WILL get easier. Keeping him awake in the evening may be key.

But he likes his puppy naps. This guy, so far, is not your mover and shaker.

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