Friday, October 10, 2008

Photoessay #478 - Naomi's senior picture

Taken by my neighbor Peter, a professional photographer. He doesn't usually take pictures on request but he had planned to take pictures of his daughter, also a senior and so agreed to take Naomi's picture as well. Circumstances have delayed his daughter's picture but he went ahead and took Naomi's in time for the yearbook deadline.

Naomi chose the look, I didn't even get to see what she had on. A bit heavy on the hair straightener. But a nice job on the makeup. Cute kid, no?

My baby, almost 19 years old, with very definite ideas of how she wants to look. She's looking good, ready to launch her own life. Right now, she's working at the concession stand at the high school football game for the Lassies, a highland dance group at the high school...she's senior captain. She'll be going to Homecoming later this month with a longtime friend (admirer?).

I was telling a funny Susanna story from when she was about 15. At softball games, she and her friend Amy would start doing gymnastics. Amy was a pretty big kid to be doing gymnastics and their coach would always be having fits worried they would injure themselves.

I'm talking to Sue, Amy's mom

Me: I bet I can make Susanna do a cartwheel
Sue: OK, you're on
Me: I'll show you
Me: (loudly calling) Susanna! STOP doing those cartwheels!
Susanna immediately does a cartwheel
Me: See, I told you
Sue: You're good
Me: Some people have it....

Amy just got married a few weeks ago with Susanna as Maid of Honor.

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