Monday, September 15, 2008

Photoessay #454 - Autumn plenty

Don't you feel rich just looking at this bounty displayed on one of the farmer's tables at the Lake Forest Park Farmer's Market. Such beautiful colors and great ideas for dinner.

I resolved this year to eat out of this Farmer's Market as much as possible. I knew it wouldn't be the cheapest or maybe the most convenient. I've done pretty well. I've certainly spent a lot of money but we've had fresh local seasonal produce.

There's one product I completely fell for, the Biocento Eggs laid by chickens who run around an abandoned apple orchard near Yakima. They display the pictures of the chickens. Hey, check out the name of their feed supplier. No wonder I'm a complete sucker for them. Delicious eggs!!! Really, they taste better.

All of our current hens were born and raised on the farm. We raise them humanely without crowding. They pick what they can find, and we supplement their diet with organic grains that we purchase locally and from Azure Standard.

The hens are not given any synthetic DHA or soy products. In addition to the natural pasture and organic feed, we offer them organic flaxseeds to increase the omega content of the eggs.

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