Thursday, September 4, 2008

Photoessay #453 - Touching noses

I think it's been several weeks since I posted a picture that's actually in focus. I call it artistic license. Time for another sappy pet friendship picture. These two (Starbaby and Shadow) are a pair. Starbaby generally does not allow herself to be held or petted unless SHE decides that's the agenda. After all, it's all about Starbaby. Starbaby is most attached to Shadow (the elderly extra-large dog). She greets Shadow in the front on her return from a walk, checks to see that Shadow is around, invites
Shadow to chew on her. "Come ON, Shadow, let's play". If one goes out in the backyard, the other one wants to join her. In my imaginary Shadow language "I like the kitty, she's really nice" Starbaby is Naomi's cat and she does miss Naomi when she's at camp or similar. But she would miss Shadow more. Not that she would admit it.

Here, they generally touch noses.

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