Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Photoessay #163 - Northgate lifestyle

We had dinner with my 25 year old son last night. He lives in the Northgate area, near a big mall, which has a lot of ancillary development and has been a focus for Seattle redevelopment. This gives him a 'downtown' lifestyle though he's not in the city center. His apartment is located right near the main street right near a Walgrens and a big grocery store. He works at two restaurants, both within walking distance. He lives with one of his workmates and his girlfriend and other friends live in nearby apartment complexes. So he doesn't need wheels to go anywhere really. Everything and everyone he needs is right there. Suits him quite well, he's always been kind of an insular guy. A young adult lifestyle in the restaurant business.

Picture above is from a city publication regarding Northgate development, picture below shows Danny and Dennis, doing what parents often do, picking up the bill.

At the Chinese noodle those dumplings and pancakes.

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