Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Photoessay #162 - Ilana's typewriters

Ilana has a typewriter collection. She started after watching "Finding Forester" in high school, she loved typing away into the night. Such a satisfying sound and so period. We had a typewriter or two; it's easy to find them. Most everybody has one hidden under their bed somewhere which they will gladly give to you. I think she has seven in her room right now, they don't all work. Correctly. Some, sort of. There are a few places in town that service typewriters but it was a few years ago when we visited these places, I wonder if they still exist. Anyway she didn't have the money to restore them and buy all the ribbons, etc.

But when she gets the urge, she still fires them up and pounds away. Different experience than writing on a computer. For those of us, who spent many hours in college armed with white-out and many re-typed pages, who would want to go back? But they have their charm. She's always looking for working manual models.

She's excited because NaNoWriMo starts up Nov 1. National Novel Writing Month. You write a 50,000 novel in one month. She's done it the past two years. Goes with the typewriters. Wants to borrow the car for a kickoff NaNoWriMo event at midnight at a Denny's. I point out that's Halloween night ....

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I was so excited to find my parent's typewriter and I got permission to bring it home. It doesn't work! At least I could show it to my daughter and tell her what it was like to type on one. I went to eBay to check out prices, and was so surprised how cheap they are. Oh well. I remember my typing class in high school fondly.