Thursday, October 25, 2007

Photoessay #157 - My son and the rabbi

I don't feature my 25 year old son Danny much on my blog because I don't see him very much. We do plan to have an informal dinner (the noodle place in Greenwood) next Tuesday so maybe I will have a more recent picture of him. This picture dates from six months ago at my father's memorial in the midwest. After the service at a local funeral home. (see photoessay #20), my mother had a small reception at her home in Wesley Willows. About 100 people came to the service, about 30 came to the reception at home later in the afternoon.

My whole family made the short trip. Dennis and I and all 4 (now adult) kids. Susanna was there less than 24 hours because of the Pac 10 schedule (see photoessay #133), the rest of us left on Monday and returned by Wednesday evening. No reason to draw out that stress-filled trip. Especially with so many of us.

The rabbi, in the center, ran the memorial service. My mother didn't know her very well before, but they had a warm preparation session with my sister and mother supplying facts and stories about my father. The content, as delivered was not quite factual, but what does that really matter? In the picture, Danny is in my parent's living room, chatting with the rabbi during the reception. I was glad to have him accompany us as part of the family, participating in this transition. Good for my family also.

Ilana is on the left edge. I'm on the couch

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