Thursday, October 18, 2007

Photoessay #150 - Homecoming Dance

There's a windstorm going on in the Seattle area today. Last December, when we had a major wind-strom, we were without power for over 5 days. Awful! Today, I thought I had time to make some spaghetti sauce before I lost power. But the power went out around 2:30 before the winds even started blowing. No fair! I thought we were going to be out for a long time. So disheartening. Got out the candles and the flashlights. But the power came on around 7pm. Yay! I really really appreciate my electric power.

Also dropped my old slide viewer :( Can't get it to work again. Messed up my slide project.

But the lights are back on!!!!

These days, you don't have to have a date to go to the major high school dances. Such a huge improvement! Everybody can go! Naomi went to the Homecoming Dance with her friend Janelle. Janelle came over here hours before the dance and they got ready together. Fortunately, we can still do the parents giving ride before and after the event. Janelle had a crisis because one of those big plastic shoplifting buttons was still on her dress even though she had the receipt. Penney's was closed, what to do? She ended up wearing some black pants and tucking the dress into the pants. "We are resourceful" Naomi assured me. Of course, I think that Naomi looks just as cute as can be with her spaghetti strap polka dot dress.

Many different hair styles were tried before settling on the simple approach. They seemed ot have a good time.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Oh, I hate loosing power. I finally bought a really nice florescent lantern, so at least I can see well when there's no lights.

I'm glad Naomi had a good time at her dance. Emily can't wait.