Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Photoessay #148 - Ilana off to the U District

It's getting to be a ritual shot around here. The college student posing in front of the back of the van with all of her stuff. Ilana moving into her apartment in the U District a few weeks ago. Actually less than 10 miles away. The apartment is furnished. Look not much stuff, the van is hardly filled. I hope to feature the picture of Susanna leaving for Eugene her sophomore year, you could not believe how much you can cram inside and on top of a van if you try.

But Ilana has a reasonable amount of items, plenty of room for everything. I haven't been to see the apartment and it's been over two weeks. One of these days, real soon now. Ilana's been in close touch. We'll be going to Mom'n me in shifts this weekend. At the dreaded Camp Lyle McLeod. I wrote about it earlier. The camp is not so bad, it's the unmarked logging roads to get there. Dennis will be going for Friday night, I'll be there just for the day on Saturday. Ilana and Naomi will be there staffing the event the whole time. Ilana on the waterfront, Naomi leading hikes and doing whatever is needed.

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