Thursday, September 20, 2007

Photoessay #122 - Loss of sense of place

Part of our recent trip involved visiting sites from our past in Sacramento. I took many detailed pictures of houses and other places, many of which I will likely post (especially in the Ginsburgh-pixs blog). Specifically I focused on the two homes in Arden Park (1955-1964) and Wilhaggin (1964-1970). My general impression? I have lost context for these places. They just didn't look familiar to me, I could barely find my way around these neighborhoods. I could recognize the street layout but I struggled to find familiar sites or houses. I would not have recognized the Arden Park house if I hadn't seen the address. Partially, it's because the trees have grown so much but mostly I just couldn't remember or recognize. It just didn't match up with anything that triggered a memory in my mind. These neighborhoods are attractive and well-kept. The people living there clearly cared about their homes.

But I had lost the sense of myself (now or as a child) there. Not particularly sad, what is in my life now is vastly more important. Hardly a catch or trigger there ... to recognize a place used to look differently or that it looked the same. Just couldn't make much sense of it. After 4 hours or so, we headed north exhausted. I struggled to search for a context for much of what I was seeing.

Am I disappointed? Not really but being there doesn't seem to be a rich source for insight for myself into my life.

View is across the street from the Arden Park home looking up the street.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

The trees in this picture are enormous. I'm sure that growth had a lot to do with your lack of memory. I went to my old high school a few years back, and really didn't remember the inside layout. I was so surprised.