Thursday, September 6, 2007

Photoessay #111 - One for the bruise wall

My daughter, Susanna, always leaves it all on the field. An intense athlete since the very beginning, she recently completed her collegiate career in Pac 10 softball. She arrived as a 4 month old athlete with sleek hard muscles and the motto "Large motor is my LIFE!" Youth athletics were invented just for her. Never enough time for all of the teams she wanted to play for.

In junior high and high school, she liked to photograph her injuries. The dinner plate sized purple bruise from being hit by a pitch by a travel ball teammate in the high school state tournament, the cleat marks across her chest (again from a travel ball teammate) as she defended the goal as the keeper in another high school game. The raspberries, abrasions, scrapes etc that she incurred a lot. We would get the pictures back from our old film camera and find images of discolored injured body parts. We knew that Susanna had gotten hold of the camera.

Her college roommate would remark "Ah, Suzie, this one should go on the bruise wall"

Susanna came for a visit last week. At one point, she asked to borrow the camera on an outing for a few minutes. Hmmm, what do you think this is?


Oreo said...

Slightly gross!

azure said...

We got a million of similar pictures!