Sunday, September 30, 2007

Photoessay #132 - Ice age floods

Today the Seattle Times ran an article on the ice age floods and their mark on the Nortwestern landscape. Plenty of dramatic pictures, hey, this looks just like our vacation last month, we went to a lot of these same places. I even think my picture of Multnomah Falls (Photoessay #101) is more scenic. I figure most northwest residents have their own pictures of Multnomah Falls, it's such a natural.

The article also featured pictures around Dry Falls,Sun Lakes, the coulees, the Columbia gorge. Our whole vacation minus the college and historical district stops.

My picture of Ilana and Naomi at Dry Falls in August. Fascinating geologic site truly in the middle of nowhere perched on the edge of a giant coulee but with a nice little interpretive center. Apparently thousands of years ago as the glaciers receded, huge catastrophic floods coursed down the landscape forming the coulees and the Columbia Gorge, cutting the rocks into these dramatic shapes and depositing large parts of Montana into the Pacific Ocean. One theory describes these events taking place over a period of weeks or months not over vast sections of geologic time.

It's hard to imagine the force and energy of these monumental floods and the havoc they caused. Especially in such a remote and arid location.

Second picture shows the view from Dry Falls in the early evening.

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