Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Photoessay #88 - Family needlework

My sister shows needlework being prepared for her daughter's bat mitzvah, the first in our family in several generations. I contributed a prayer shawl from Israel purchased at an auction years ago. She's cross-stitching a special collar and maybe another part. She wants all of the family to participate by working on the cross-stitching. Token contributions ok. So I managed to cross-stitch a bit of the white in the upper right hand corner under close direction. My brother likewise. I'm terrible at handwork, goes with poor fine motor and spatial coordination.

My sister has already completed a lot of the pretty design. Her determination will pay off. Her vision of a beaming extended family gathering at a bat mitzvah will likely not happen. But my brother and myself will be there.

Prayers to Dan B in California who is very ill.

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