Sunday, July 29, 2007

Photoessay #73 - Bridal bouquet

Last evening we attended the wedding of my neighbors, K and D. I've known K forever; we've been through thick and thin. We were very pleased to be invited. K and D have been in touch for many years, in fact he was a professor of hers when she was in college. Let's say many years ago. She has been so happy lately, so pleased.

I'll have some more pictures soon, but this one, the wedding bouquet, is actually taken this morning. K's friend did the flowers from blooms from the local farmer's markets. I have never seen so many flowers in one bouquet, completely dense and it was ALL flowers. No filler or ribbons, just flowers. The base of the bouquet was all stems, 5 inches across. Watch out, said K, this thing weighs a ton.

How did we end up with the wedding bouquet? Right as we left, K, said to my girls "Don't you want to catch the bouquet?" So, she did the traditional toss and Naomi caught it. We marveled at the abundance of flowers. This morning she's taking it to camp with her. I'm sure it will be put to some use. One of her counselors she was interning with last week told the campers that Naomi was married. So she was experimenting with a wedding band to continue the ruse. However she lost the ring. Oh well, I told her, now you have a bridal bouquet.

Just brought K a copy of the picture, she says she has many many more bouquets, I'll probably score another one. I complimented K on the wedding gown, she joked "it was so hard to find something that was not strapless or backless or had a 12 foot train, took months!"

Wouldn't mind having another piece of that yummy cake.....


Oreo said...

very nice flowers, they will be enjoyed at camp. Did they smell good? Did dog or cat try to eat them?

twilite said...

Hi azure. Nice shades of colors. Bridal bouquets are generally white in those weddings I attend.