Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Photoessay #61 - My Canada Cup buddies

I met these three Canadian gentleman, Erwin, Paul and Ben at a Washington Husky game 3 1/2 years ago in Seattle. They had come to watch Canadian pitcher, Ani Nyhus, who pitched for the University of Oregon Ducks at that time (my daughter also played for the Ducks). Ani was pitching very well and these three were bursting with pride. "Yes, that's our Ani, she's one of the best, you know. We've been watching her play since she's nine years old" They were very interested in Susanna "Oh yes, we'll be watching her now, now which one is she?"

They were delighted that we would be coming to Canada Cup "Of course, we'll be there, every game, oh yes" Since then, I have always visited with them there and at some of the Washington Husky games. Ani Nyhus is no longer pitching but Danielle Lawrie is having a great career at Washington "Our best yet, we think!" and Jenn Sailing was a first team All American at Oregon "Our Jenn, we wouldn't miss seeing her"

They always greet me warmly, I always know I will see them. Of course, they want to hear all of the latest from the Pac 10 and pass on some of what they know. When Ani N was having trouble at Oregon the next year, they were watching for me "Please, what is happening with our Ani? Is she all right? Is she hurt?" They want to know "Is your daughter playing this year? She's a mighty good infielder, that one."

I enjoy each of them, I look for them. I worry about Paul and his fluorescent sunburn that he sports by the end of Canada Cup. I enjoyed Erwin's DVD that he shared with me about going to China to watch Team Canada play at the World Championship. Ben always has news for me. They have their special seats. I hope they will enjoy Canada Cup at Softball City for many years to come and that I have many years to enjoy it with them.


Oreo said...

Does the team know they have such devoted fans? They sound like real die hard fans! Are they from Canada or from the Seattle area?

twilite said...

Hi Azure! I like your observations and forthright comments on 'a mom who thinks too much'.

Do come by and drop your comments on mine too. Thank you.

Do have a good day.