Sunday, July 1, 2007

Photoessay #45 - Canada Cup!

This is a picture from Team USA's opening game yesterday against Japan Elite. Jessica Mendoza and Laura Berg helping with the pitcher's warmup.

My husband, friend Gin and I went up to Canada Cup for the day yesterday. Great time as usual, how can you beat Canada Cup?

We saw 10 teams play including
Team USA
Team Canada
Japan Elite
Puerto Rico
Dominican Republic
Washington Blast
Georgia Wilson Select
White Rock Renegades

all in one day!

We saw Jennie Finch, Jennie Ritter and Monica Abbott pitch for the USA, Robin Mackin for Canada, Joecelyn McCallum for Austraia. Kirsten Shortridge, Tiffany Pagano, Megan Gibson and Amanda Scarborough pitch for their respective club teams.

We saw Team USA struggle against Japan Elite, squeezing out the only run in the game by a HBP with loaded bases. The USA batter called time many times and was in and out of the box. The group I was hanging out with on the terrace speculated that they were trying to throw of the timing of the Japanese pitcher and, sure enough, a few pitches later, the batter was hit. Monica looked impressive but I wondered where the USA offense was. I also heard that the Japan Elite teams was full of Team Japan players and that both teams were excellent.

Hung out with my Canada Cup buddies Irwin, Paul and Ben. Chatted with Jason (thanks!) and another UCS member Canadian. Saw some U Oregon people there and the greater Salling clan.

Washington Blast only has 3 players from last year but this might be the best team yet with speed and strong pitching. They certainly held their own against Chinese Taipei 3-2

Good crowds for the USA and Canada games on this first day of the tournament.

Also had a great time in White Rock walking along the beach and out the pier. Yummy fish and chips. Fewer food concessions at Softball City this year but I would highly recommend the "Death by Chocolate" ice cream at the ice cream stand.

Got home exhausted at 1:30am as we stayed until the very end of the Blast/Chinese Taipei game with the most loyal fans.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Go USA! OK got to admit the food sounded more interesting but I am stuck in the midwest. Fish and chips is not something I will ever see like you do!

But I am thinking of a holdiay trip to go pick Blueberrys on Wednesday.