Monday, June 11, 2007

Photoessay #24 - Lake Forest Park Farmer's Market

For the last several years, there has been a Farmer's Market in my community of Lake Forest Park, just north of Seattle. On Sundays, a portion of the parking lot in front of the bank in the local shopping center is transformed with farmer's tables from nearby areas including from east of the mountains. The farmers and their families set up booths filled with produce and flowers. Maybe it's not the real farmers or their real families, who knows?

I love to go and buy fruit and vegetables, huge heads of lettuce and baby bok-choy. All kinds of fresh berries in season. Big peaches with a rosy glow. Beans and peas, yellow and green squash. Watermelon that's orange on the inside. One day, one farmer had at least 10 kinds of peppers. I am one of their best customers.

What do you make of this mass of peas? Don't they look like they're squirmy and alive? Produce looks so different when you take it out of context.

Beautiful flowers apparently sell well and there's lots. I usually don't buy because I don't really see how they fit into my life. But I love to admire them. These particular ones remind me of the flowers that I used at my wedding, they were called 'old fashioned'. Large brilliant red poppies and yellow iris. The vendors make up the bouquets as the day goes on. Just looking at these pictures inspire me to buy some this next Sunday.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

I soooooo want to pick up some peas like that. Can't find them in Indiana yet. We have a similar market that comes down town twice a week. Sorry to say not near as exciting as I remember the market in Seattle.