Thursday, May 31, 2007

Prose Exercise #2 - Spiral Image

This image was taken off the web as it caught my eye. I'm not sure how to credit images that I write about that I have no permission to use, whatsoever. This picture was taken by Harold Davis who has a Digital Photography column on the O'Reilly Digital Media Blog.

This image jumped out of me for its dramatic spiral imagery. The shrinking spirals drag you deeper into the inner circle in a primitive manner, you just don't feel like you can stop yourself.

Clearly, the image is not real. In fact, the author uses it as an example of digital photography as "painting with light". Even though our eyes will not see that particular image in the real world, it is as authentic as any photograph, whether manipulated or not.

The image is constructed with photoshop from a combination of a real stairwell and a nautilus shell with the nautilus shell image projected onto itself at the very center. The whole composition flows smoothly into the center and the multiple chambers in the shell just accelerates the experience.

Other elements in the photo bring the eye down into the vortex. The railings outline and emphasize the spiral. The rounded and square patterns in the floor tiles mimic the spiral and are blended into the nautilus shell motif in the center for continuity. The unlikely swimming pool blue outlining the descending stairway emphasizes the motion and the blue is continued as if it's a light source itself. The brilliant light that seems to come from behind your shoulder as you look down the spiral and culminates in the very center beckons you down.

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