Monday, December 9, 2024

Somebody shot my dog as a puppy!!


In rural Oklahoma.  

I knew these facial features were there but I never put it together.  Bowen ended up at the emergency vet Sunday because he jumped on a stick pointing straight up with his mouth open.  So he tore a 2 cm gash in his upper tongue.  He's ok, feeling a lot better.

But the people at the emergency vet pointed out to Dennis that there was evidence of a shotgun shooting.  These people see these things, they know what to look for..  This is the right side of his face.  Including his eye which had been removed.  The story we got was that he came into care with his eye infected and they couldn't save it.

Notice on his ear at the bottom there's a little hole.  It's actually perfectly round with edge underneath ragged.  On his face, there are some abnormalities, little scars.  They said that was buckshot.  They also showed Dennis the xrays of his head which showed more buckshot and some spots where buckshot had been.  So it ended up in his eye which got injured and infected.

His left eye is fine and he's (almost) fully functional.

He came to us at 9 months, he had been at a foster home for a month or so.  I don't know how long he was in care in Oklahoma.  So somebody took a shotgun shot at a 6 or 7 month old puppy. Obviously not a direct shot.

WHO would shoot a shotgun at a puppy?????  Who would shoot *my* dog who's such a sweety!

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