Saturday, January 22, 2022

Tea and chair


And Rabbi Charlie

Powerful symbols from last weekend's hostage taking at the Texas synagogue.  There are some physical objects that jump out at us.  From Rabbi Charlie's own account and the news stories.

A cold stranger knocked on the synagogue door and the rabbi invited him in and made him a cup of tea.

At the opportune time, the rabbi threw a chair at armed hostage taker giving himself and the other hostages time to flee.

Rabbi Charlie credited the training he had received from police and private trainers about just what to do in that situation.  It kept him calm, kept everybody near the exits and inspired him with a chance to act.

So the questions asked, would I give the stranger tea?  Would I have the courage to throw the chair?

But the questions that I hear in the Jewish community are "Where is the wider community to support us?" and "Why haven't we heard anything?"

Are armed attacks on the Jews just too common to stay in the news cycle?  Is the fact that the hostages escaped from harm mean that we have not been injured?"  What about the life and death of the perpetrator"  What happened with him?

Rabbi Jason gave a sermon so emotional and near tears on Friday night asked these questions.

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