Saturday, January 4, 2020

San Francisco - Charl's view across the water

We can open the year with one of Charl's Bay Area pictures.  Taken off his website with permission.  I have a few privileges in my life; one is I have carte blanche to use his pictures that he features online.  He is an artist.

2020 is upon us.  Feels a lot like 2019.  Let's go for the small big things.  Did grocery shopping today including some fish soup.  Dennis attempted Costco, said it was mobbed, he prefers retiree hours.  Haven't needed any pain medication so far today.  All good.

Looks like I will attempt "Jewish Thought" class.  SO many of the classes are full, are we seeing budget cuts here?  This class is small.  I wrote Prof. P. who I know.  He said I could come but probably have to keep my mouth shut.  That's part of being an access student.  I hope to get back to Geography next quarter.  It's got a general good vibe and access students are welcomed.

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