Thursday, May 24, 2018

Where the Baumann family lived in Amsterdam

Matt and Ilana are just returning from their trip to Paris and Amsterdam.  They posted lots of pictures on Facebook.  Another group of pictures, she sent directly too me.  As soon as they were in the US, they both contacted me, why hadn't I written about this set of pictures when they were so important?

Because it's hard.

David, Martha and  their Lothar Baumann lived in this nice looking apartment complex.  As far as I know.from the Dutch victims website.  They were, one by one, seized by the Nazis, transported tto the transit camp at Westerboek and then on to their deaths at Auschwitz or Sobibor.  All taken separately; the 16 year old year old son first.  How heartbreaking that must have been!

I'm arranging for Stolperstein (stumbling stone) monument to be placed but it's not for maybe 4 years.  Ilana and Matt decided to look for the address while they were in Amsterdam.  I could tell by their solemn comments that they both wrote that they were very affected and saddened.  Ilana points out that it was a nice part of town and a very attractive apartment building.  But the ugly madness happened right here.  She said that it affected them for some hours into the next day.

Picture shows Ilana pointing up the stairs.

Is this really where they lived?  Doesn't matter.

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