Monday, August 14, 2017

White supremacy triangle

I got this off of facebook; find it very useful.  About different expressions of white supremacy; only the ones at the tip are really 'bad,' socially unacceptable.

But I've heard these things.  Especially the virtuous victim stuff, the minimizing,  'its only a joke,'.  Acting out teens and young adults can use that last line.  Tokenism, colorblindness.  As a minority with minority kids, I asked an elementary school teacher once about the makeup of the class "Oh, I don't even notice it!" she exclaimed.  Right.

English only.  Christians only.  Assuming good intentions are enough.  Oooooh, yeah.

There's a group of older adults where I swim.  They complain about having to do politically correctness.  They really mean being racist.  Let the blacks do their thing and we'll do ours.  I don't join their conversation.

Insisting on 'Merry Christmas' and getting all injured at the blander "Happy Holidays."

"This is a Christian country."  Whew, once I get going on this, who knows where to stop!

How about this one "My ancestors came here legally and all these other people should too!"  There were no limits on immigration before 1925 (except the Asian countries).  You just got on the boat and came.  So don't give me that garbage!

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