Thursday, July 9, 2015

Two Jewish Temples

Yesterday I met with two long term members of the local reform temple who both worked very hard over 20 years ago to save the original 1907 building.  In the end, they could not find the money or the interest to restore the building that was badly deteriorated.  They did build a small park to commemorate the building.

Let's say that these members felt very strongly about the destruction of the old building.  They also oversaw the demolition and also saving some of the carved wood elements of the old sanctuary.  I thought their little parks was interesting.  They didn't.

I'm still musing about the experience.

The first picture is the original Temple De Hirsch Sinai building (1907, Seattle).  The second is the former Orange Street building of Temple Mishkan Israel building (1896, New Haven).  Many similarities.  The New Haven one was a bit bigger and grander.  It still stands; now home to a public arts high school.

Many thanks to Gin who came with me to take notes.

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