Sunday, September 14, 2014

Parent Group Teams

Parent Group teams stand at the core of our group.  We encourage parents, when they have decided to work the program to ask 4-5 other members to serve on their team.  They meet separately about that particular family's situation.  Can be immensely powerful.  Risky too.

However, serving on another person's team can be even more rewarding.  You find yourself giving advice and having insights when considering other situations that you know you found very difficult to do yourself.  So many people (including myself) have said to themselves "Time I took my own advice!"

This past week I did court support for a family involving lsd use, possible burglary charges and a psychotic break.  The parents let the 17 year old resume using the car after his release.

Another parent on the team questioned the parent's decision to let the son drive the car suggesting that having a car might make it easier to relapse.

My thoughts exactly.

But this parent faced the very same challenges herself and many times she denied that that her young adult son was drinking (later she would find out that he was) and insisted that allowing him to drive one of the family cars benefited him.  Until he got a big time DUI.

But going through the exercise yourself of looking at another family and formulating some advice can strengthen your own resolve to take the very same action..

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