Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ilana extragvaganza

Today is the big day - Ilana's 28th birthday.  I decided to go for an extravaganza of picture day pictures.  Also demonstrates what I've never been any good at crafts.  Can't cut straight, etc etc.

But I did do this big project when I went as far as getting all my pictures sorted by years and put them in a collection of 6 plastic bill boxes.  And put the picture day pictures for each kid together.  I have more, I always have more.

But nine pictures, there's a goodly number.  When you have a lot of kids, you have a lot of pictures.  I threw out boxes and boxes of pictures.  And I still have plenty.  Including the 50+ picture albums that I inherited.  I started a project to make a photo album for each kid.  But I kind of stalled out.  Too much organization and hurt my back.

But happy 28th birthday Ilana.  Anybody else can have their own week if they want.  Matt, Ilana's husband showed interest but I don't have enough pictures of him and I've only known him 5 years.

This is 28 years, folks.

I have the biggest pot of chicken curry in my over right now.  I'm having the geneaalogy group over tomorrow.  It's going  to be 93 degrees which is massively hot for here.  So we'll have to eat outside.  That's if you enjoy packed earth and emerging landscaping cloth rather than lawn.

You cann all guess which picture is what year....

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