Sunday, March 31, 2013

Photoessay #2844 - Picture from Uncle Alan

Today Dennis and I went for Easter dinner with some of his relatives, including his mother and four aunts and uncles.  At Uncle Alan's house down in Kent.  Alan had pictures from some of his big trips in frames in his living room.  Each frame had several dozen shots.  At one point he said, pick one out that you like and I'll print you up a bigger version.  I took him up on it and selected a snapshot that he took from Zion National Park.

However, as these things go, producing color prints at home is just not as easy as it should be.  In fact, it took him a large part of the afternoon before and after dinner.  But he finally prevailed.

Here is Uncle Alan holding the picture he made for me.

Bet he doesn't make that offer again!

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