Friday, August 12, 2011

Photoessay #1439 - Our Hitchcock pics

Sometimes our photography teacher gives us an assignment to do during the class break in the middle. Because of the wonderful soft light of Seattle evenings, she encourages us to go outside. Last night, she wanted to return to the film genres but this time we would all be assigned the same one: Hitchcock films.

Why? I don't know why. So you are supposed to take a series of shots that would comprise a Hitchcock movie. Three shots ideal. You've got 20 minutes, max. Go.

So I worked with two class members, none of us knew at all what to do. But we'd do it together. We decided to use black and white to reflect the period. And also to use an interior scene.

The idea: Two people get into an elevator, only one gets out. So we hogged the elevator for the twenty minutes screwing around.

Here it is...if we're clever, we'll put it in some form with words.

Provisional Title "Murder in Snoqualmie Hall"


Jill Victim
Ruth Perp
Sandy Director and photographer

It was pretty fun. I'm trying to get my camera set up right, and giving directions:

"Look scared!"
"Get closer! Closer!"
"Now be dead, Hmmm, maybe the classes should be off and on the ground"

It's fun because at the start, you can't imagine really getting into it, becoming a dead body on the elevator floor, etc. But we all had so much fun in our 20 minutes of creative film production.

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