Thursday, June 23, 2011

Photoessay #1430 - Supposed to be about the flowers

In May and June, everything is gorgeous in Seattle. You hardly can have a bad looking yard. And my flower pots are flourishing, somehow I ended up in a pink and purple theme without really meaning to. So I thought to take some pictures of my flowers. But somebody seems to have gotten in the way. I'm not mentioning any names but some dog is always by my side.

Since Naomi (and now Matt) are around, he's got a lot of sides to be by. Currently Naomi is running a pet dormitory in her room. Every night, she's got the kitty Starbaby installed on her orange chair. And Teddy sleeps right in front of the chair. If Naomi doesn't set up his bed when she goes to bed, he comes nosing around. "Naomi, you forgot somebody, me!" This also allows Teddy and Starbaby to have a little wrestling in the wee hours. I don't know what happens when Naomi goes back to school. Because he LIKES to sleep in a room with people.

I know his head looks huge in this picture. It's foreshortening because he's so close to me. It looks like he has some big Pitt Bull head and a tiny body. Which isn't the case in the real world. He does have a very long neck which causes Dennis to refer to him as a "Giraffe Hound" or a "Fruit Bat".

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