Saturday, June 18, 2011

Photoessay #1425 - Harstine with Danny

Today Dennis, Teddy, Danny and I went to a potluck get together at the family cabin on Harstine Island. We gave Grandma Anne and Uncle Alan a ride also (I knew there was a reason Dennis wanted to buy another van as we rumbled around Puget Sound with 5 adults, a dog and several potluck items.)

Last year Melina came and she and Danny had a particularly good time. Melina bailed this year because of a birthday party and Danny came along. We brought Teddy, who had a gay old time. He's been before and usually there's some other dogs and dogs have to stay outside. Teddy's not one to wander, he hangs close. But he gets worried and whiny. So one of us was generally outside with him. The day started out rainy but I decided to believe the weather report and, sure enough, the rain stopped so we could be outside. Shelby, a cattle dog mix was there. She made it known right away that she was the boss. No problem, says Teddy, I'm never the boss. But turns out they had a strong interest in common....chasing balls. We had brought our chuck-it and plenty of old tennis balls so good throwing could be had.

Danny talked to the rellies but he didn't mind throwing balls for dogs. First shot is right outside the cabin looking north along Pickering Passage. Teddy and Shelby are clued into the imminent throw. But Shelby already has a ball. The second shot looks south from nearly the same point. Danny's down on the beach (pretty low tide). With the dogs. But you get an idea of the beauty of the setting. We determined that Shelby would not swim for a ball but Teddy would for a short way.

Never had the opportunity to use the fire pit but I've always wanted to. But we've never spent the night there though we probably could if we wanted to. But it's so far away, takes at least two hours to travel there.

Wonderful dinner, I'll probably feature some more pictures another time.

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