Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photoessay #1247 - Redbud tree

On our trip last week, we made a brief stop in Tennessee. As we drove from the airport on our way to Oak Ridge, I was immediately struck by pink flowering trees by the side of the road. When we were at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory visitors center, I asked the ladies behind the desk about them.

"Redbud trees", they answered in the distinctive thick Tennessee drawl "I have a few in my yard, aren't they beautiful this time of year?"

I managed to get a picture for a roadside tree and one in the parking lot by the visitors center. That visitors center was not designed for casual visitors, no interpretive information. Strictly a checkin for Official Visitors to the huge multi-faceted and secure facility.

We have some flowering trees here. Last night was my first class for spring quarter, we're moved to a new location more in the central part of the campus. The flowering trees were in full bloom just outside our window. I was sorry that I didn't have my camera.

Very intense class, Theo is going to work us! I found that I'm still affected by the 3 time zones. The effect is almost gone but at 9pm, I just crashed but class was not over yet.

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