Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photoessay #1236 - Mountains of Japan

Last April, my husband and I visited northern Japan. More specifically, we visited the northern part of the main island Honshu. Nobuko, my high school era exchange student lives in Yamagata City, maybe 50 km due west of Sendai and 60 km north of the city of Fukushima and 100 km (?) from the Fukushima nuclear facility.

But look at what's between Sendai and Yamagata. Big mountains. Very few roads across these rugged peaks. In fact, the only road on the map runs substantially south.

This shot is taken at Yamadera, a famous mountain temple established in the 9th century located within the city limits, a half hour drive away from the main city (pop 255K). We hiked up to the top! I didn't think I could do it but we made it! Here Nobuko takes a picture, I think we are looking at the small town of Yamadera. The road ends there, you will not get over these mountains from here.

I would think this extreme geography would make a difference if there is a significant radiation release from the Fukushima facility. Which seems inevitable if not already! The BBC online stream has had several segments from Yamagata. Far away from the sea. But still affected especially in regards to supply chain of food and petrol. Apparently quite a few refugees have been coming to Yamagata from the coastal destruction.

My sister did write to Natsuko (Nobuko's daughter, a graduate student at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo and receive a prompt reply. My sister works for a midwestern NPR station, they were considering talking to her. Natsuko is now staying with an uncle.

Thank you for your message. Nobuko is doing OK and so do I, but whole Japan is still facing serious situation.
Even it seems getting worse. Not big panic, but could be happend. We are all worrying about the trouble of nuclear power plant. Gas and foods are hard to get especially in damaged area, and even in Tokyo. There are some intentional electric outage in huge area around Tokyo, so all of these make people hard to keep normal life.

I think Nobuko can not get phone, because her house phone has failed. I 'm now staying at Uncle's house so you may call to that phone. Both of Nobuko and I have a mobile but I do not reccomend to call on it because of bad connection.

News reports that an electric line is coming to the Fukushima facility. I wondered why they didn't bring big gasoline generators in .... probably couldn't get them in or something.

So so scary. For me, it brings up the fears of nuclear war that were instilled in me from the schools and media during the cold war.

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