Thursday, November 18, 2010

Photoessay #1119 - It WILL be chilly

Today I work the last UW football game of the season. And it will be chilly; REAL cold. Thermometer upstairs says 40 degrees; 10:48 AM. And it's not going up much, if at all. 5pm start. Thursday game for ESPN. Probably seemed a good idea at the time for the administration. But the general university community has had a COW about this. Much wringing of hands because of the traffic. A parking CRISIS. Threats of canceling classes, disruption of university business, hopeless gridlock, you would think the sky was falling.

Get a grip people! Now, I've had a parking permit which has been pretty good, I got to park reasonably close. But today, the parking permit they sent me is at the University Village garage which is a LOOOOOONNNNG way away. My plan is to drive to Wallingford to Discovery House (where we have parent group); I'm familiar with the area, park and take the 44 bus. It'll work. I'll take the parking pass just in case.

mmmmm, I'm planning leaving before noon, hope to get the 12:40 bus which will get me there at 1PM. But they might not let me in until 1:30 and I need to minimize the time outside.

Lots of layers, I'll wear the yellow coat so it doesn't matter what I wear under my usher's shirt, nobody will see it. So long underwear, turtleneck, warm sweater, usher's shirt. Then the yellow coat they give us. I have some pretty old chemical handwarmers, they work kind of; I'll bring a bunch of them. I'll be outside about 8 hours. Usually can duck out from the rain in my tunnel. Good ol' tunnel 52.

Wish me luck. Hope I don't freeze. Will the Huskys win against UCLA? Wouldn't bet on it.

I'm considering not taking the camera today, gotta travel as light as possible. For this event, you really have to carry nothing, just what's in your pockets. One of the hard things for me is that I have to stand by myself in my section for a LONG time with nothing going on at all. And I'm not supposed to do anything other than stand there. I'm usually by myself because of my small section. At least in other places, the ushers have somebody to talk to.

Shot taken earlier in the season from my perch looking across to the other section. You can see the ushers in every section in their yellow coats. That's what's supposed to happen. Everybody in their section. But nobody there! They want you there 20 minutes before the gates open (2 hrs prior to game time) But people are not likely to come early today because

a. it's freezing and raining
b. it's a weird start time (5pm on workday)
c. The world is ENDING because of b.

Wish me luck@!

Interesting, to me, the moire (sp) patterns show up when the photo displays at 66% and below but not at 100%

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