Friday, October 1, 2010

Photoessay #1071 - Now the back yard

Susanna's now working on the backyard. Cutting down copious amounts of bamboo that you KNOW are going to grow right back. Plus a gratuitous stab at the always encroaching blackberries. Here she's doing her best to ERADICATE this blackberry stand that's right by the back gate. See some more just to the right. They NEVER give up.

Really we need some elephants or pandas or something to eat this giant pile of cut down bamboo. Teddy noses around it losing his balls, finding them again. As usual, he greeted Susanna in hysterical yipping adulation.

My friend's sister who has six grown kids and she feels she has to talk with each of them every day. Harumphh! But, hmmm, talked with my sister about Ilana and Thanksgiving, have a call into Naomi about some mail that came, Danny called wanting a mom pep talk about a presentation he has to give to juvenile first time felons tomorrow morning and Susanna's in the yard whacking away at blackberries and bamboo. That would be everybody.

Congrats to AnnMarie and Uly on the birth of Nehemiah! Both of these new babies have booties made my Naomi.

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