Saturday, August 28, 2010

Photoessay #1038 - Baby Deer

Today was our visiting day. Fancy breakfast at the B&B. Then off to JJ and Steve's where we chatted for an hour so. We then met Aunt Mary at her home and had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Met her dog Sparky. Who supposedly does not like strangers but liked us just fine. Chihuahua/something mix, very unusual looking. She jokes that he's a designer dog but she doesn't know who the designer is and what they were trying to accomplish. Back to Steve and JJ's, spent some lovely time on their back patio. Took our letterboxing stuff and placed a box at Crown College at UCSC. We had been warned that this would be difficult but there are a jillion places to put a box, we'll just see how long it lasts. Found one near the entrance to UCSC and a nearby old Jewish cemetery. And back to JJ's, we made dinner; JJ gave me a lot of ideas about self-healing.

But the pictorial theme has got to be deer. A Saturday several weeks before the start of fall quarter and we saw a small family of deer and a buck grazing at Crown College. JJ and Steve had a family of deer (does and twin fawns) come by into their yard to try for some apples and drink out of their fountain.


Tomorrow we go home after our whirlwind through many California destinations!

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