Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photoessay #1077 - Guided Autobiography

I'm taking a class! And it's a go, too!

Guided Autobiography, offered by Shoreline Community College at their branch campus at Lake Forest Park Third Place Commons. Perfect! Gives me a chance to get some perspective from my memoir style writing, think about some larger issues in regards to writing about my own life. Some technical tips also.

The instructor mentioned that autobiography

a. can help with the process of integration of the different events into a description of our own life
b. reclaim our strength, passion, vitality, wisdom and compassion
c. shed other's expectations of us

Yup, right there with you.

First assignment is to write a story of a major branching point in our life.

We write two pages and we share it at the next meeting. I'm thinking of using ... right now ... as a major branching part of my life. Another possibility is learning to read. Lots of possibilities.

I likely will include the writing samples as part of this blog.

Photo of the instructor and her welcome. This class is geared toward the second half of your life, the new elders, etc. Also spot on. so far eight people in the class.

I know, I know, according to Curtis, we are not even middle-aged....

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