Sunday, June 20, 2010

Photoessay #1075 - 34th Anniversary

Dennis and I married 34 years ago! Also on Father's Day. What to do? Hmmm....we like to spend the day doing something together, nice dinner out also a good possibility.

I suggest going to Mt. Rainier. We haven't done that in years. He likes that idea. But the weather report is for snow showers. (I know, I know, it IS summer in other parts of the country just not here) So Mt. Rainier not so good for this weekend. He suggests an early dinner at the fancy restaurant on Edmonds Restaurant. I like that idea. If you go early, there's a reasonable fixed rate dinner from a limited menu. 4 courses for under $20. And tasty. Plus you can walk along the waterfront. But that's only M-F and the week ahead is busy.

Then I remember Chuckanut Drive which is alternative scenic way to Bellingham. I've been MEANING to do that one. OK, he's game, he likes roadtrips. Chuckanut Drive it is. You go 50 miles up I5, turn off and it's 21 miles to Bellingham, pretty rural areas, along the sound, several parks.

Plus he knows that I have the inherited trait that you must stop at all produce stands. Could be strawberries...

We take a scenic trip through this cute tiny town (Edison) and drive out through some marshy areas on the sourthern end of Saanich Bay to Sannich Island. Nice but rather than a remote spit, many people have built their dream houses out here. We have our picnic lunch in a windswept waterfowl reclamation area. Very very quiet, no Father's Day crowds. If you sit quietly, you can hear lots of birds. Dennis loves birds.

Back to Edison where we stop at a bakery and bought some sour cherry lemon bread...mmmm. Dang the blueberry farm is closed on Sunday and the season is late anyway according to the handwritten sign.

We make our way up right along Saanich Bay. Beautiful vistas. I took the featured photo at a roadside turnout We stop at Larrabee State Park (I recommend it) and walk down close to the water.

Then we're in Bellingham and take I5 home.

Long time since 1976. Sadly we remember those who have passed on who were there:

my parents, Allen and Claire Ginsburgh
Dennis parents, Jim and Lanaya Barnes
Grandfather Beittel - who performed the service
Dan Beittel - always a good influence on my life
Sara Pilcher - my roommate at the time

But we intend to take a California trip soon!

Hey, I just noticed the flying bird in the picture. That's a good sign!

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