Thursday, April 29, 2010

Photoessay #1026 - Chocolate Cake!

So my birthday's become a bit unfocused. Technically it's on the 19th but I 'postponed' it because we would be in Japan and I didn't want to add any more complexity. Especially regarding our gracious hosts.

But Gin brought over this cake last night and it's as good as it looks. The frosting is rich ganache (sp). Enough to make you reall sick. I'm thinking of freezing parts of it so I can enjoy it in bits. What do you think?

So maybe we'll have it this weekend? The birthday I mean. So sweet of Gin to bring it over! And make it in the first place.

My main hassle has been trying to prove to the State of Washington that my father paid Illinois Sales Tax on the Buick (which should be arriving tomorrow) in 2007. When I have no bill of sale, I have no idea where he bought it, Amcore (now Harris) has no idea of the info. If I can't find it, I have to pay $1K in sales tax (which actually could be refunded). Found the person in Illinois who could maybe pull the information if we send the right form, which the banks says they will submit, but it will take 4-6 weeks. So I called the number of the auto transport company but the number is 'temporarily disconnected', now THAT's reassuring NOT. Why, oh why, did I not listen to reason about taking this car?

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