Friday, May 15, 2009

Photoessay #694 - I'm a fan!

If you saw A.M. walking down the street, you likely would not stop to speak to him. The young man's almost blind uses a white cane. He walks with a distorted rolling gait, his arm twisted in. Most of his body's akimbo, his head and neck seem out of place.

But I remember him, though I have not talked with him for many years. He and Susanna were friends in elementary school; I remember watching him sing in a boy's choir. II did see his mom working in her yard maybe a year ago. She mentioned that he had been in an independent living program.

In fact, there was an article in the local paper when they were in the elementary school, highlighting A.M's special friendship with Susanna.

I saw A.M. when I was walking with Teddy. Maybe I could chat with him if he would. I called out to him, of course, he remembered Susanna. To my astonishment, he remembered my name. Wonderful voice and diction, he put me immediately at ease. He knew all of my kids, asked about each of them, was astonished that Naomi was a senior. "Naomi? No, I remember her as five years old! We used to take the same bus" he comments. I asked him if he was going to college, yes Shoreline CC. What are you studying? Communications.

"What would you like to do"
"I would like to do standup comedy"

You go A.M.

So we start talking about what makes things funny (a very interesting topic to me)

"I can tell you what isn't funny" he says wryly. He talked about his comedic inspirations Victor Borga (pictured) and Lucille Ball. He performed some of his favorite sketches from both of them. We talked about books on tape and marveled how the characters could all sound so distinct.

"Have you heard the Harry Potter books on tape? He does over 200 characters and they all sound different" he says with admiration.

He also did some impersonations for me.

As I continued my walk, he called out to me "Oh, did you hear my mom is getting married again?"
"I didn't a great guy?"
"Oh yes and he's funny. But his jokes get a little old. I told him 'Charlie, we've got to get you some new material!'" he says with a smile

Such a charming young man, I could have talked to him all afternoon.

So, be careful of your judgement of people with disabilities.

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