Saturday, February 7, 2009

Photoessay #542 - The Kajikawa

The Kajikawa Classic, an opening weekend collegiate softball tournament hosted by Arizona State is going on in Tempe, this weekend. Dennis and I attended 2 and 4 years ago, our only trips to Arizona. Many top teams there including the Oregon Ducks this year. Unfortunately, so far, the Ducks are 1-2.

When we went the second time, we went out to a cactus garden part of a large park complex in the Phoenix area. Now, I'm not into deserts, if sagebrush is involved, forget it. But I thoroughly enjoyed this cactus gardeb, interesting shapes and subtle colors. Dennis bought a little cactus there which he kept on his desk at work. Somehow, it hasn't done as well in wet drippy Seattle.

Here's my funny softball story from the Kajikawa 2006. The second day of the tournament, there was this huge upset. New Mexico 9 UCLA 0. New Mexico is nothing; the UCLA program is legion. The next day, the Ducks play an early game at Farrington Stadium, ASU's beautiful facility. Everything is white, bright and scrubbed clean. Kelvin B, parent of freshman player Neenah is looking at the posted scores.

"You know, I can't figure out these scores at all" he complains
"What do you mean?" but I know what he means
"It says here New Mexico 9 UCLA 0, that's not the score"
"That was the score"
"No, no, no" he says patiently "it says NEW MEXICO 9 and UCLA 0"
"That was the score" I reply
He looks at me, stunned, mouth hanging open.
"What! What!" he sputters "That CAN'T be the score!"
"Yup, New Mexico beat UCLA"
He stares at me, he's shaking in disbelief, finally he gets out "But WHO WAS PITCHING???!!!!!!"
"I think it was Jelly"
He turns away shaking his head and mumbling.

These softball folks take things seriously

Nice picture by Dennis

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