Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Photoessay #488 - My husband's kitties

I know I posted a similar picture maybe a year ago about my two 'white boys'. Here they are, still snuggling. We have two cats, Starbaby a small long haired tabby who knows that she's 'empress of all she surveys'. And you should act accordingly around her highness or 'her fuzziness' as Dennis says. I describe George, our big white tabby tomcat (inherited from Dennis' father) as a 'dimwitted thug' He has problems with impulse control but he wants to be lovie. Until he forgets and bites you. You know how the eskimos have many many words for snow? George has many many words for 'bite'. He's always sorry (especially if he gets tossed into the backyard) but he'll always do it again.

But, as Dennis points out, Starbaby maybe be haughty and bossy, but she does provide a lot of entertainment. Ilana says, regarding Starbaby, you can't tell this cat what to do, you can't make her do anything, heck, you can't even make suggestions!"

Dennis is the cat person, can you tell?

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